
Here is a link to some of the books I like for gardening:

Ralph Snodsmith’s Fundamentals of Gardening: This book is one of my favorites. It has some fundamental helpers for gardening such as using layers of newspaper or cardboard under mulch to chock out the weeds.

Backyard Bounty: This is a new book out, the author is from British Columbia and she has been gardening for over 40 years. It has a step by step and also a plant by plant index that helps with getting the veggies going.

Square Foot Gardening: This is the ultimate resource on square foot gardening. If nothing else, it gives you a great start to get growing and an idea of how much can fit and how intensely you can plant to be successful.

Winter Gardening in the Maritime Northwest: This book is written by a lady based out of the Bellingham area of Washington. It is very informative and based specifically to our winter weather patterns.

Backyard Homestead: This is book is a primer for starting to homestead. It has a lot of useful information, but it is a starter book, Madigan touches on a large grouping of subjects and as such, there are more in depth books for specific subjects out there. But this book will give you an idea of the breadth of possibilities!

Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening:  This is an encyclopedia and is helpful for specific items and helps to figure out what is going on… and the way to fix it! Very informative.

Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades: This is a very helpful book that compliments Binda Colebrook’s Winter Gardening book. It is from a background in science and methodically gives information about how to start your garden, what to use and why.

Stay Tuned, some more recommendations will be up shortly!

2 responses to “BookShelf

  1. Eilean Davis

    Doesn’t eveyone need a copy of the Sunset Western Garden book?? I’ll need to check out Mr. Snodsmith’s book.

    • I know that the Sunset Western Garden Book is a must have for the ornamentals, but I haven’t purchased this one yet to comment on whether it is a great addition for vegetable gardening. This is one I need to look into.

      Ralph Snodsmith’s book is currently out of print, but can be found through resellers on Amazon.